Wheel of Time - The lives of five young villagers change forever when a strange and powerful woman arrives, claiming one of them is the child of an ancient prophecy with the power to tip the balance between Light and Dark forever. They must choose whether to trust this stranger – and each other – with the fate of the world before the Dark One breaks out of His prison, and the Last Battle begins.
In conjunction with Telt Management, Cinematic was hired to produce elements of the influencer debut dinner party of Amazon Prime Videos’ Wheel of Time in Times Square.
We’d love to hear about your upcoming event and/or talent acquisition request and how we can bring your vision to life.
We can be immediately reached by:
Phone: (424) 431-2100
Fax: (424) 431-2040
Email: contact@wearecinematic.com
9171 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 500
Beverly Hills, CA 90210